
Training and inference of various ranking models in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository houses the implementations of our ranking models as well as some baselines. It supports training, validation, testing and re-ranking. The following models are currently implemented:


Install the packages from requirements.txt. Note that ranking_utils has additional dependencies.


We use Hydra for the configuration of all scripts, such as models, hyperparameters, paths and so on. Please refer to the documentation for instructions how to use Hydra.


Currently, datasets must be pre-processed in order to use them for training. Refer to this guide for a list of supported datasets and pre-processing instructions.

Training and Evaluation

We use PyTorch Lightning for training and evaluation. Use the training script to train a new model and save checkpoints. At least the following options must be set: ranker, training_data.data_dir and training_data.fold_name. For a list of available rankers, run:

python train.py

For example, in order to train an S&R-Linear ranker, run the following:

python train.py \
    ranker=select_and_rank_linear \
    training_data.data_dir=/path/to/preprocessed/files \

The default configuration for training can be found in config/training.yaml. All defaults can be overriden via the command line.

You can further override or add new arguments to other components such as the pytorch_lightning.Trainer. Some examples are:

  • +trainer.gpus=[0,1] to train on GPUs 0 and 1
  • +trainer.val_check_interval=5000 to validate every 5000 batches
  • +trainer.limit_val_batches=1000 to use only 1000 batches of the validation data

Training Mode

Currently, pointwise (cross-entropy), pairwise (max-margin) and contrastive loss functions are supported. Select a training loss by using

  • training_mode=pointwise,
  • training_mode=pairwise or
  • training_mode=contrastive.

Model Parameters

Model (hyper)parameters can be overidden like any other argument. They are prefixed by ranker.model and ranker.model.hparams, respectively. Check each ranker's config (in config/ranker) for available options.

Output Files

The default behavior of Hydra is to create a new directory, outputs, in the current working directory. In order to use a custom output directory, override the hydra.run.dir argument.


By default, the trained model will be evaluated on the test set after the training finishes. This can be disabled by setting test=False.

Example Command

A complete command to train a model could look like this:

python train.py \
    ranker=select_and_rank_linear \
    training_mode=pairwise \
    random_seed=123 \
    training_data.data_dir=/path/to/preprocessed/files \
    training_data.fold_name=fold_0 \
    training_data.batch_size=32 \
    +trainer.gpus=[0,1] \


You can also use a trained model to re-rank any existing test set or TREC runfiles:

python predict.py

The the default arguments can be found in config/prediction.yaml. Make sure to configure the ranker (i.e. hyperparameters) to be identical to the trained model. Futher, you must provide a checkpoint (ckpt_path) and data source (prediction_data).

Re-Ranking a Test Set

In order to re-rank a test set (as created by the data pre-processing script), set prediction_data=h5 and provide prediction_data.data_file and prediction_data.pred_file_h5. For example:

python predict.py \
    ranker=select_and_rank_linear \
    ckpt_path=/path/to/checkpoint.ckpt \
    prediction_data=h5 \
    prediction_data.data_file=/path/to/data.h5 \
    prediction_data.pred_file_h5=/path/to/test.h5 \
    +trainer.gpus=[0,1] \

Re-Ranking a TREC Runfile

Alternatively, a TREC runfile can be used to obtain the query-document pairs for re-ranking. Set prediction_data=h5_trec and provide prediction_data.data_file and prediction_data.pred_file_trec. For example:

python predict.py \
    ranker=select_and_rank_linear \
    ckpt_path=/path/to/checkpoint.ckpt \
    prediction_data=h5_trec \
    prediction_data.data_file=/path/to/data.h5 \
    prediction_data.pred_file_trec=/path/to/runfile.tsv \
    +trainer.gpus=[0,1] \