
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 8: Netlify Dev Install and Test

  1. Install node.js – https://nodejs.org and choose the "Current" version. Open the installer and complete the steps using defaults only (note: if prompted to install "Tools for Native Modules", skip it; do not check the box, just click "Next").
  2. If you haven't already done so, create a new repository in your GitHub account by selecting "Use this template"; call the new repository "week8" and clone/open the new repo in VSCode.
  3. In VSCode, open a new Terminal window via the menu bar -> Terminal -> New Terminal. In the Terminal, ensure that Node was successfully installed by typing node -v and hit Enter. A version number (e.g. v15.10.0) should be returned. If it isn't, ask for help in slack.
  4. Install the Netlify developer tools. In the terminal window, type npm install netlify-cli -g and hit Enter. It should take a couple of minutes. Afterwards, type netlify -v to ensure the installation was successful. The installed tool and version number (e.g. netlify-cli/3.8.6 linux-x64 node-v14.15.5) should be returned. If it isn't, ask for help in slack.
  5. Type npm install to install the rest of the dependencies (libraries of code) needed for the project. You should see "0 vulnerabilities" in the output.
  6. Last command - type netlify dev. A browser window should pop up with the contents of index.html.

You'll positively 💯 know if the setup worked - the success page is very obvious.

Now that everything is installed and working, you can end the terminal session by typing the keys CTRL+C in the terminal window (note: if prompted to "Terminate Batch Job?", type "Y" and hit Enter). This will stop the Netlify Dev server. You're ready for class!

For Windows users only

If the netlify dev command doesn't work and you don't see the success page, you can try one of two fixes:

  • In your Terminal window in VSCode, there's a little dropdown; select the option to "select a default shell". Select cmd and close and re-open the Terminal window.
  • If that doesn't work, do everything outside of VSCode using the Command Prompt that's built into Windows: Start Menu -> type cmd. Then change into the week8 directory typing cd \path\to\code\week8 (cd with a space, then the file path to your week8 folder), and then go through the instructions above.