
🚀 Deploy rails application with unicorn

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Unicorn
    • You can install with gem install 'unicorn'
  • Rails application


Download deployer file

curl -LsS https://git.io/vAgP6 -o ./deploy.rb

Use the command like this

$ ruby deploy.rb --help


Add your custom arguments in command line

Argument Type of Parameter Description
--pid-file string Application pid path
--errors-file string Server errors file path
--output-file string Server output file path
--socket-file string The class of item
--workers integer Number of workers
--timeout integer Number of timeout
--env string Rails application environment - default: development


Deploy your rails application with unicorn to create socket file

$ ruby deploy.rb [arguments] --start

Config rails application on nginx

Define upstream app in nginx config file

upstream app {
	server unix:/File/path/to/unicorn/socket/file.sock fail_timeout=0;


Define server

server {
	listen 3000 default;

	root /File/path/to/rails/project/public;

	try_files $uri/index.html $uri @app;

	location @app {

		proxy_pass http://app;

And then restart you nginx server and enjoy your application on rails with unicorn and nginx.