
ASP.NET core, PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CityApp is built using the following technologies:

  • Visual Studio 2017
  • ASP.NET Core (Targeting .net 4.61)
  • SQL Server 2014/Azure SQL for data storage
  • Entity Framework Core for data access
  • Code First using Migrations
  • Dapper micro-ORM for report data access and for queries that EF can't handle easily
  • redis for caching
  • AWS S3 for file storage
  • Azure WebApps for hosting
  • Azure WebJobs for resource intensive background processing
  • Serilog for application logging
  • Bootstrap/Material UI Theme
  • SendGrid for transactional emails


City App is hosted on Azure.

Data Context

Since this is a multitenant app with a physical database per tenant, we have 2 data contexts.

  • CommonContext is used for all things common to the application like User Authentication, LookUp Values, Account(Tenant) information and Database partitions
  • AccountContext is used for the application business requirement specific data, like Issues, Tickets, Vendors


How to create a migration in the common context

  • Add-Migration -Name [Name_of_your_Migration] -Context CityApp.Data.CommonContext

How to create a migration in account context

  • Add-Migration -Name [Name_of_your_Migration] -Context CityApp.Data.AccountContext