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Xmas Tree Generator

This is a single page static xmas theme app to create a christmas card including decorating a xmas tree

UI mock

Test Image


  1. JavaScript
  2. HTML / DOM
  3. React
  4. Adobe Photoshop
  5. Surge

Tools Explored

  1. React
  2. React DnD
  3. Adobe Illustrator
  4. Spotify API

Things I have learned

  1. Revisiting basic understanding of React
  2. Manipulating HTML / DOM
  3. Working with images
  4. Deployment to Surge
  5. Markup language to create README

Extension plan

  • Step 1. Refactor code and file organization
  • Step 2. Adding new features such as,
    • Save State Feature: Creating an API with Express.js to interact with client side app to save data
    • Send Feature: being able to send completed digital card

Programming Principles

  • KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid
  • Separation of Concerns
  • YAGNI, You Aren't Gonna Need It
  • Do the Simplest Thing That COuld Possibly Work

For further programming princinples you can check this link