- 3
Seeking a new maintainer!
#204 opened by mrkaye97 - 0
CRAN release for 3.4.0
#203 opened by botan - 6
files.upload method is deprecated. Upcoming breakage of `slackr::file_upload()`
#200 opened by davidski - 3
Webhook support for formatted markdown
#201 opened by tarlgordon - 2
- 5
slackr_history() is working for channels but not ims.
#196 opened by revgizmo - 3
Allow user to set config_file via environment variable
#194 opened by botan - 5
- 5
slackr_csv() failing to upload dataframes more than 10k rows with Request Timeout (HTTP 408)
#198 opened by adrian-pascual - 0
Better default arguments and documentation
#187 opened by mrkaye97 - 0
Make better use of dots (`...`)
#188 opened by mrkaye97 - 1
Use numeric values for timestamps
#186 opened by mrkaye97 - 1
duration argument in slackr_history() is not respected if posted_from_time is not specified
#181 opened by czeildi - 5
Precision on thread_ts for `slack::slackr()`
#180 opened by davidski - 3
Custom slackr usernames
#179 opened by marshallpayne415 - 3
Ability to tag someone in the `initial_comment` argument of `slackr_upload()`
#178 opened by pstraforelli - 7
Wanted to make a group chat between a bot and 3 people. Only getting direct messages when I put usernames in channel.
#176 opened by jrod20033 - 3
- 8
- 6
how to send a direct message to users?
#173 opened by hkboo - 5
Unable to upload images
#172 opened by fbonaita - 2
allow finer control over image size in slackr_dev
#169 opened by shabbychef - 3
slackr_tex dies with no_file_data
#167 opened by shabbychef - 4
- 4
Sending downloadable plots to slack
#163 opened by tiagobrc - 0
Garbled output in `3.0.1`
#165 opened by mrkaye97 - 10
- 10
- 0
Add `thread_ts` and other options
#158 opened by mrkaye97 - 0
- 4
Interactive messages
#157 opened by featherduino - 5
Problems with Umlauts
#154 opened by nicoschreibt - 0
- 0
Set up infrastructure to allow for `slackr` users to use user tokens (in addition to bot tokens)
#153 opened by mrkaye97 - 4
- 2
2.1.2: Exception if not authed when calling `slackr_ims` not handled, surfaces in `slackr_setup`
#143 opened by BenCarlsen - 3
Dependency needs updating in description
#147 opened by MaxineTheCat - 10
ggslackr error
#140 opened by marolopnaiba - 4
ggslackr quietly fails but text_slackr posts
#134 opened by henryhuang1 - 2
slack_setup() error
#135 opened by marolopnaiba - 1
slackr username issue
#138 opened by rkersey8208 - 0
slackr_upload() issue with oauth_token
#137 opened by rkersey8208 - 42
- 5
Can't Install Slackr in Databricks
#133 opened by nknauer - 0
- 0
Soft-Deprecate Camel Case
#126 opened by mrkaye97 - 5
- 3
SlackrUpload Error
#115 opened by nknauer - 3
Support R version
#123 opened by woowahan-jaehoon - 1
Message Parsing
#121 opened by mrkaye97