
Grunt Maven Deploy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Grunt Maven Deploy

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-maven-deploy --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "maven_deploy" task

The project is heavily based off of grunt-maven-tasks by Stein Martin Hustad. This plugin is a slimmed down version whose sole purpose is to publish artifacts to an artifact repository with classifiers. All versioning and releasing should be managed by the user.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named maven_deploy to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  options: {
    groupId: 'com.github.mrkelly',
    artifactId: 'grunt-maven-deploy',        
  src: {
    options: {
      url: '<%= repositoryURL %>',
      repositoryId: 'my-nexus',
      classifier: 'sources'
    files: [{src: ['**'], dest: ''}]



Type: String Required

The maven group id to use when deploying and artifact


Type: String Default: name found in package.json

The maven artifact id to use when deploying and artifact


Type: String Default: zip

The artifact packaging. Supported values are jar, war, gzip, deflate, deflateRaw, tar, tgz (tar gzip), and zip.

If options.type is defined, that parameter is used instead.

options.type (deprecated)

Type: String Optional

This parameter overrides the options.packaging parameter.


Type: String Optional

The artifact classifier.


Type: String Default: version found in package.json

The version to use when deploying to the maven repository


Type: Boolean Default: false

If true, -SNAPSHOT is appended to the version.


Type: String | Function Default: artifactId-version.packaging Example: fizzwidget-1.0.0.war

The output file. You can use either a string or a callback function which takes an options parameter. The options parameter includes all the options for this target's configuration.

Note that options.version will have -SNAPSHOT appended at the time the file function is invoked when options.snapshot is true.


function(options) {
  // customize output directory name and filename
  return 'target/' + options.artifactId + '-' + options.version + '.' + options.packaging;


Type: String Default: deploy

The action used to deploy the artifact. Supported values are deploy or install.


Type: String Required when options.goal is deploy (the default). Ignored otherwise.

The url for the maven repository to deploy to.


Type: String Optional. Ignored if options.goal is not deploy.

The repository id of the repository to deploy to. Used for looking up authentication in settings.xml.


Type: String Optional

Enables you to turn off the injection of destination folder inside your artifact allowing you to choose the structure you want by configuring the compress task.


Files may be specified using any of the supported Grunt file mapping formats.

Usage Examples

Deploying snapshots for source and dist as well as releases for source and dist.

  maven_deploy: {
    options: {
      groupId: 'com.github.mrkelly',
      artifactId: 'grunt-maven-deploy',        
    'release-src': {
      options: {
        url: '<%= releaseRepository %>',
        repositoryId: 'my-nexus',
        classifier: 'sources'
      files: [{src: ['**'], dest: ''}]
    'release-dist': {
      options: {
        url: '<%= releaseRepository %>',
        repositoryId: 'my-nexus',
      files: [{expand: true, cwd: 'tasks/', src: ['**'], dest: ''}]
    'deploy-src': {
      options: {
        url: '<%= snapshotRepository %>',
        repositoryId: 'my-nexus',
        classifier: 'sources'
      files: [{src: ['**'], dest: ''}]
    'deploy-dist': {
      options: {
        url: '<%= snapshotRepository %>',
        repositoryId: 'my-nexus',
      files: [{expand: true, cwd: 'tasks/', src: ['**'], dest: ''}]