
Fetch, cache, and display images via HTTP in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Skeets is a networking image library that fetches, caches, and displays images via HTTP in Swift. It is built off SwiftHTTP.


  • Multi level cache. In-memory and disk caching.
  • Nonblocking IO. All HTTP and disk IO happen in the background, thanks to GCD.
  • Simple one method to load a remote image.
  • Robust, fast, and customizable caching.
  • Simple concise codebase at just a few hundred LOC.
  • handles redundant image requests, so only one request is sent for multiple queries


First thing is to import the framework. See the Installation instructions, on how to add the framework to your project.

import Skeets

Once imported, you can start requesting images.

//create a imageView
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 60, 200, 200))

//set the cache directory. Only have to do this once since `sharedManager` is a singleton
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
ImageManager.sharedManager.cache.diskDirectory = "\(paths[0])/ImageCache"

//fetch the image
    progress: { (status: Double) in
        println("updating some UI for this: \(status)") //useful if you have some kind of progress dialog as the image loads
    },success: { (data: NSData) in
        println("got an image!")
        imageView.image = UIImage(data: data) //set the image data
    }, failure: { (error: NSError) in
        println("failed to get an image: \(error)")

Custom Cache

Skeets also supports customized caching and protocols. It is possible to implement your own custom cache by implementing the CacheProtocol. There is also a powerful default cache provided with a few customization options.

let c = ImageManager.sharedManager.cache as? ImageCache
if let cache = c {
    cache.diskAge = 60 * 60 //360 seconds or 1 hour (Default is 1 day).
    cache.imageCount = 10 //only 10 images will be stored in memory (Default is 50).

The cache can also be manually purged (e.g. memory warning is received).


The disk can also be clean for possibly stale entries as well.



Skeets requires at least iOS 8/OSX 10.10 or above.

Skeets depends on SwiftHTTP. Make sure to import that framework as well before using Skeets.


Add the skeets.xcodeproj to your Xcode project. Once that is complete, in your "Build Phases" add the skeets.framework to your "Link Binary with Libraries" phase.


  • Complete Docs
  • Add Unit Tests
  • Add Rouge Installation Docs


Skeets is licensed under the Apache v2 License.


Dalton Cherry