
This project contains the web server components developed within the Waterproofing Data Project - WPD

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Getting the project

Clone the repository locally:

git clone -b develop https://gitlab.gistools.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/waterproofing-data/webportal_server.git wpd_server

Remember that you have to checkout in the develop branch, which is the working branch

Repository workflow good practices

The repository workflow for the project have two main branches:

  • master (where the stable/production versions are stored)
  • develop (where the working versions are stored)
  • feature/my-feature-name (local only branches of a working feature)
  • fix/my-bug-fixes (local only branches of a working bug fixes)

Development setup

npm install
npm run dev

Production setup

Run postgis docker

docker run --name=pgWpdWiki -d -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_PASS=admin -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=wpdWiki -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 25432:5432 -v /home/khan/workspace/wpd/server/pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql --restart=always kartoza/postgis:9.6-2.4

Run wikijs docker by supplying postgis credentials

docker run -d -p 8080:3000 --name wiki --restart unless-stopped -e "DB_TYPE=postgres" -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_PORT=25432" -e "DB_USER=admin" -e "DB_PASS=admin" -e "DB_NAME=wpdWiki" requarks/wiki:2

DB_HOST=< docker ip address where db container is running >

open localhost:8080 in browser and do installation steps

Run Geoserver docker

docker run -d -p 8600:8080 --name geoserverWpd -e SAMPLE_DATA=true -e COMMUNITY_EXTENSIONS=ogr-datastore-plugin kartoza/geoserver:2.16.2


  • Login ssh <username>@waterprofing.geog.uni-heidelberg.de

  • Create back of running server and client

mkdir ~/wpd/backup/server_<date> 
cp -rf ~/wpd/server/* ~/wpd/backup/server_<date>
  • Get the latest code from git
cd ~/wpd/server
git pull

Start the server as standlone

npm run start

nohup npm run start > output.log &

ref: To run server in background https://www.dev2qa.com/how-to-run-node-js-server-in-background/ if gets an error saying port in use can use $pkill -f node and $pkill -f nodejs to kill all node server ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31649267/how-to-kill-a-nodejs-process-in-linux

Using pm2 for running app So that app server restarts when shutsdown unexpectedly

To start app server (required only first time)

cd ~/wpd/server/
pm2 start app/server.js

Use this command to know the status, pid, etc

pm2 status

To stop app in pm2

pm2 stop <id>

Applicaton logs are stored at cat /home/m/mkhan/.pm2/logs/server-out.log

and error logs at cat /home/m/mkhan/.pm2/logs/server-error.log

To see logs

pm2 log

To see monitoring tool with other server details

pm2 monit

OR Run server as Docker container

To Build an image

docker build -t wpd/api-server .

Create container by

docker run -p 9090:8080 -v $PWD:/usr/src/app --name wpd-server -d wpd/api-server

Starting other Docker Container

  • Start Database docker conatiner
sudo docker start pgWpdWiki2
  • start wiki server
sudo docker start wiki2
  • start geoserver
sudo docker start geoserverWpd
  • ensure that db server was started first, because in wiki's env_variables ip of Db server is given as
  • to check env_variables used while docker run command
docker exec <container_id> bash -c 'echo "$ENV_VAR"'
  • to check the ips of all containers inside "bridge" connections
sudo docker network inspect bridge 

Transfering Shapefiles to Geoserver

  • Transfer file from your local machine to server by
scp <FilesToSend> mkhan@waterproofing.geog.uni-heidelberg.de:/home/m/mkhan/wpd/spatial_data

Currently we are using /home/m/mkhan/wpd/spatial_data folder to place all our data files

  • Copy the files into Geoserver container
sudo docker ps -a
  • Take the Geoserver's Container ID and
sudo docker cp <SourceFileToCopy> <GeoserverContainerID>:<FileLocation>
  • Get into Geoserver conatiner
sudo docker exec -it geoserverWpd bash

Get the data directory where we are storing the data for Geoserver echo $GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR should return you something like /opt/geoserver/data_dir/data

Step for changing max file size to upload eg: images, videos

  • Get into wiki conatiner
sudo docker exec -it wiki2 bash
  • Edit file name config.yml residing at /wiki in wiki container
vi config.yml

// change the file size as required here
  maxFileSize: 20971520
  maxFiles: 10 

Further info at https://docs.requarks.io/install/config#upload-limits

Further help

For any bugs or future enhancements open an issue and label it as Bug or Ideas respectively. For any other queries contact Mohammed Rizwan Khan rizwan@uni-heidelberg.de.