
Primary LanguageTypeScript

CircleCI Coverage Status Maintainability

Communication and Media ResearchCategoryRepository Center (CMRC)

CMRC is a web application that provides an online platform for clients to contact professionals or experts for a research in the field of Communication, Media, Advertising, marketing, Public Relations and Humanities.

Backend Technology Stack

  • NodeJS
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeORM

Getting Started

  • Install NodeJs and PostgreSQL (PGAdmin 4 preferably) locally on your machine or signup to an online hosted database e.g ElephantSql
  • Clone the repository from bash or windows command
> $ `git clone https://github.com/mrkingz/cmrc.git
  • Change into the directory
> $ `cd /cmrc`
  • Install all required dependencies with
> $ `npm install or yarn add`
* After successful installation, create a `.env` file which will be used to load environment variables 
 > see .env.example file as a sample
  • To build the application, run the following build command
> $ `npm run build` in production mode or `npm run build-dev` in development mode
  • To start the application, run the following command
> $ `npm run start` or `npm run start-dev` in watch mode


  • Run Test $ npm run test