
Demo using Cypress on a TodoMVC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cypress Todo Demo

Video Presentation from UCTech 2022

This repo is meant to demonstrate how to write different types of Cypress tests by testing the TodoMVC app.

Each testing lesson can be checked out as its own branch. So start in the test1 branch and work from there.

  1. test1 Setup - "Writing your first test"
  2. test2 Interacting with the Site - "Adding a task"
  3. test3 Writing Assertions - "Complete tasks"
  4. test4 Faking Data - "Intercept API request and replace with a fixture"
  5. test5 Stubbing Functions - "Stub the confirm() function"
  6. test6 Mobile and Desktop Resizing - "Viewport resizing"
  7. test7 Custom Commands - "Use a custom command to add a task"
  8. test8 Ensuring Accessibility - "Accessibility testing with Axe"
  9. test9 Automating with Continuous Integration - "Github Actions"


Node.js is required. If using NVM you can run $ nvm use to automatically switch to the correct version of Node.


  1. Install all Node packages including Cypress.
$ npm ci
  1. Start the server so that the site can be viewed at:
$ npm start
  1. Open the Cypress GUI with another terminal window.
$ npm run cypress

TodoMVC • Vanilla ES6

A port of the Vanilla JS Example, but translated into ES6, also known as ES2015.


Created by Luke Edwards Refactored by Aaron Muir Hamilton