Note: This will be a pair programming activity. Please select one developer's machine to work on, but make sure you share your code with your partner before leaving class.

Angular 2 Refactoring Lab

Set Up

First, fork and clone this repo.

First, install bower with npm install -g bower.

In the starter-code folder, you will need to run bower install to install your dependencies.

Then, start your SimpleHTTPServer with python to see a fully functioning Angular app. Cool, right? But not very modern.

Throughout this lab, we will slowly turn our Angular 1 app into an Angular 2+ app, using our good friend, refactoring.

If you get stuck, you should use this guide on the Angular 1 and Angular 2+ code differences, as well as a healthy amount of Google, and a little bit of help from your neighbors.

Before you move on to the next step, take a quick look at the starter-code folder, and observe the differences between files and folder structure vs Angular 2+.

Set Up Round Two

Use ng new to set up a local Angular 2+ app called updated-project. The app folder you create with this command should be at the same level as starter-code. Start up this new app. We've got a lot of work to do....

Getting Started

The amount of files in this project is a little daunting, but you only need to worry about a few files. Start small, and gradually add in new features from starter-code into updated-project.

  • Now, the fun part. Slowly add the pieces of your Angular 1 app from starter-code/index.html to updated-project/src/app/app.component.html and from starter-code/client.js to updated-project/src/app/app.component.ts. You will need to change the code slightly for most of these ports. You can find the code you'll need to do this in this guide.

Hint: You will definitely want your Developer Tools console open to help you target which things to change.

  • In addition to app.component.ts and app.component.html, you may also need to change app.module.ts as you go through this refactoring to include other helpful library/ies.
  • Once you have all the HTML in app.component.html, move the code from cartoonStyle.css into the stylesheet of your App Component.
  • Finally, see if you can get MyFactory injected into your component as a service.


When you are finished, you should be able to look at your Angular 2+ and Angular 1 apps side-by-side and see no major differences.