
A Figma plugin that speeds up creation of tables

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Table Builder

✨ New: Update existing tables with new data

Table Builder lets you create and update tables by pasting tabular data from your spread sheets.

For each entry in the spread sheet, Table Builder creates an instance of your original cell component, positions it in a grid and updates the cell's first child of type text with the data entry from the spreadsheet (Excel, Numbers, etc).


Table Builder doesn't send your table data anywhere outside of Figma.



Create a new table

  1. Create a component that contains a text label (make sure the text label's horizontal resizing property is set to Hug if it uses auto layout)
  2. Select an instance of that component
  3. In the plugins menu, select Table Builder and then Generate new table
  4. Copy tabular data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the text area of the plugin's UI
  5. Click on the Generate table button

Update an existing table

  1. Select a table that was created with Table Builder
  2. In the plugins menu, select Table Builder and then Update existing table
  3. Copy tabular data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the text area of the plugin's UI
  4. Click on the Update table button
  5. Select your table and reuse the plugin to update and resize it according to your given data OR select a column with the same row amount to update the table cells. If your table is an instance of a component, you can update it if it has the same row and column count.


This plugin was created using Figma Plugin Boilerplate (FPB).

Use npm run dev to start watcher task or npm run build to create a production distribution.

Possible improvements

  • Enhancements
    • Support data that contains apostrophe characters
    • Support rows with alternating backgrounds (zebra)
    • Right align title cell when all cells below are right-aligned
    • Support Multi-line cells
    • Set all cells' text layers to auto layout horizontal resizing property to Hug
  • Improvements
    • Error messages: Use UI with higher visibility than toast at the bottom of the screen
    • Auto-focus input field when plugin UI is opened (or/and add paste button)
    • Use CVS library for parsing data (might make parsing more robust)
    • Ignore hidden cells for updates
    • Improve GUI so that the button is labeled 'Update table' when updating tables (maybe also change dialog title)


This plugin was inspired by Sketch Table Builder