
Primary LanguagePython

Bachelor Thes is information
Thesis name Artifictial neural network as an opponent in Quoridor
Author Michal Hoľa
Adviser Mgr. Peter Gergeľ
  1. Brief overview of existing approaches to the production of agents playing board games
  2. Program intelligent agent built based on neural networks, which will learn to play Quoridor
  3. Test end evaluate the behaviour of the agent
Sources thesis/sources.rst
Diary thesis/diary.rst
Project URL https://github.com/mrkvost/quoridor
Thesis URL thesis/thesis.pdf


program needs gcc to compile numpy upon installation:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc

clone the quoridor repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/mrkvost/quoridor

create virtualenvironment, activate it and install requirements:

$ cd quoridor/
$ virtualenv e
$ . e/bin/activate
(e) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

run install:

(e) $ python setup.py install

or for developers:

(e) $ python setup.py develop

Note, that for development, tensorflow package is required. Also, to have other tools working following system packages are necessary too:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev python-virtualenv sqlite3 libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev


To run the game in console mode:

(e) $ qc

To run without colors:

(e) $ qc -c

To display help:

(e) $ qc -h


To run tests, run nosetests with setup.py:

(e) $ python setup.py nosetests


To create thesis document from source:

(e) $ docmake

Note: It will also open default program for viewing pdf documents if run under linux.

  • documentation strings for core module, core functions
  • save / load QLPlayer data
  • verify installation on clean system
  • better/clearer/apposite test names
  • create GUI or WEB interface
  • use curses for better user experience
  • different board sizes
  • 4 players version
  • curses - buildin library
  • urwid - console application framework
  • termcolor, colorama - colors

$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gcc libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev git python-dev python-virtualenv sqlite3 $ echo '.mode columnn.headers on' > ~/.sqliterc