
chadcat7 dotfiles

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


100% nix dotfiles that will 200% brick your system

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I am still very very new to nix and sometimes can also commit broken code! At best only use them as a reference for something you cannot find elsewhere!

Features of config

  • OS - nixos
  • WM - awesome - config
  • Shell - zsh
  • Term - kitty
  • Music - ncmpcpp
  • Comp - picom - fdev31 fork
  • Editor - nvim v0.9 - my config

Features Of the Awesome Config

  • Desktop Icons completely implemented in awesome
  • And a dock completely in awesome too
  • Cool Titlebars
  • Modern Top Panel
  • Two Section Dashboard
  • Control Panel with Theme Switcher
  • Wallpaper Switcher
  • Better right click menu with icons
  • Calendar and Weather Widget
  • i3lock-color like lockscreen with profile picture
  • Minimal no-nonsense exit screen
  • Application Launcher
  • Good Looking notifications
  • Mouse friendly custom ncmpcpp ui
  • Video Recorder and Screenshotter


The "Textbook" Definition - A Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager and guided by Nix's core principles.

NixOS is a unique distro. Unlike other distros where you store your configurations in ~/.config/ and binaries in ~/.local/bin , nix takes a different approach. Instead you can declaratively define your configuration in .nix files. These nix files can be used to install and configure programs, services, setting up things like xresources, etc. This approach provides a modular system that enables users to share, reuse, and modify their configurations easily.

Sounds Confusing right? Dont worry here let me simplify some things for you.


This is the general structure of my dotfiles. I am using a beta feature called flakes and thats the reason why you will sea a file called flake.nix. Let us start with that!

  1. flake.nix
  • This main file, it consists of two main parts, inputs and outputs. Inputs are Nix dependencies that a flake needs to be built. Each input in the set can be pulled from various sources, such as github, generic git repositories, and even from your local filesystem. All of these inputs are saved in the flake.lock file. Flake outputs are what a flake produces as part of its build. In this case it produces a NixOS configuration.
  1. hosts/ folder
  • This folder contains configurations for our machines
  • The frostbyte folder is the main one where my configuration is stored, the shared one contains configurations that would be same for all machines that I am gonna own.
  1. home/ folder
  • this folder contains the home-manager configuration for different users. Like before shared contains configurations that would be same for all users.
  • shared contains things like bin files, colors, gtkThemes
  1. derivations
  • "techincal" definition - 'A derivation is an instruction that Nix uses to realise a Nix package'
  • In simple words, deriavations are used to install stuff that aren't available in the nixpkg repositories. (atleast that is what i use them for). Make your own derivation in derivs/program.nix and call it in overlays/default.nix
  1. overlays
  • they are just modifications you do on top of the original program, for example patching st, or using a fork of st from github.


by no means are the above things I say 100% the truth. I maybe wrong somewhere, if you spot a mistake kindly prompt me to correct it

WOW! NixOS looks so god damn cool! I am just gonna jump right into it

NO. NixOS is hard.Don't be impatient and jump with the hype train. Nix files are complicated to make and can cause high brain damage. I recommend you to start with the nix package manager or using NixOS in a virtual machine instead of ripping apart your hard disk.

I really wanna try out NixOS!

If you that determined, here are some resources to start out


Cool Dashboard with 2 sections
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview
Control Panel
bottom panel preview
Exitscreen and Lockscreen
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview
Screenshotter and Video Recorder
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview
Calendar + Weather Widget
bottom panel preview
Right Click Menu
bottom panel preview
App Menu
bottom panel preview
Custom Ncmpcppp UI
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview
Wallpaper Switcher
bottom panel preview
bottom panel preview


Make your own dotfiles, installing them is a bad idea as they are made specifically for my machine and there is 1/6th chance that this will make you end up in North Korea's assassination list.

  1. Get the latest NixOS ISO and boot into the installer/environment.
  2. Format and mount your disks.
  3. Follow these commands (you might need root privileges):
$ nix-shell -p git nixUnstable ## install git and unstable nix
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/chadcat7/fuyu /mnt/etc/nixos  ## cloning my config
$ rm /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/<your host>/hardware-configuration.nix ## remove the hardware-configuration.nix for my system!
$ nixos-generate-config --root /mnt ## generate yours
$ cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/<your host>/
$ rm /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
$ cd /mnt/etc/nixos
$ nixos-install --flake '.#frostbyte'

Congrats! You just installed NixOS! Now lets install the environment and the configs

  1. Reboot, login as root, and change the password for your user using passwd.
  2. Log in as your normal user.
  3. Follow these commands:
sudo chown -R $USER /etc/nixos # change ownership of configuration folder
cd /etc/nixos
home-manager switch --flake '.#namish' # this should automatically install nvim and awesome config


somethings i need to do before i can call it fully usable -

  • Install phocus with dynamic theming
  • Install any image colorizer
  • Lock screen setup (now with awesome)
  • Add Screenshots
  • Spicetify


These are the chads which helped me throughout my short but crazy nix journey!

And of course credits for the guys for their help with my awesome config!

Feel free to use any code from the two branches as long as you will credit me