
This bundle is for communicating all own projects with de user micro-service

Primary LanguagePHP


Well, at first! We need to type inside our composer.json the lines below

"require": {
    "osmos/osmos-user-bundle": "dev-master"
"repositories": [{
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": "https://github.com/bribieska/OsmosUserBundle.git"

After that and hoping that all will be ok, we execute the follow command

composer update osmos/osmos-user-bundle

We need to type on config.yml file the lines below

        api: "url/where/is/located/this/project"
        outsource: "url/where/is/located/this/project"
        paysheet: "url/where/is/located/this/project"

Finally, don't forget to put the instance from bundle on appKernel.php

new \OsmosUserBundle\OsmosUserBundle()

And that's all. It was very easy, isn't it? Then now use it motherfucker.