This is the LaTeX template I created for my master thesis. A preview document containing examples for it's features is located under preview.pdf
The details and motiviations of the toolchain used in this template are described in the blog post "Introducing an advanced LaTeX toolchain".
Some of the details and features provided by this template:
- KOMAScript class (scrartcl)
- Double sided layout
- living headers
- code formatting
- UML diagrams
- textual description (PlantUML)
- vector graphics
- same font as in document
- GNUplot Integration
- Makefile
- TeXStudio Compile chain
For all features, there are examples provided in the document to show their usage.
To compile the document via terminal, type:
make pdf
To include generating the plots and/or diagrams into an IDE
(other than TeXStudio) include bin/makeuml
and/or bin/makeplot
before actually compiling the TeX document.
Dependencies for using this template vary by which parts you'll use. For a basic document, a current tex-Distribution should be enough (I use TeXlive 2016). And, as the scripts for building diagrams and plots are shell scripts, you'll need a *nix based operating system. If someone ports those scripts to Windows, feel free to open a pull-request.
To use the PlantUML integration, you'll of course need a PlantUML installation in your path, and for converting the generated SVG file to tex+pdf, Incscape additionally.
The GNUPlot integration only requires GNUPlot itself.
This template is in parts based on another template by Malte Flender. Specifically the title page and quoting macros.