Getting Started

Setup Azure App Configuration

Create a Azure App Configuration Store and adds a Feature Flag called Beta.

az appconfig create -n demo-store --sku standard
az appconfig feature set -n demo-store --feature Beta --yes

Setup Application

Get Connection String

az appconfig credential list --name demo-store

Setup Environment Variable, you will want the value from the last command with the name "Primary Read Only"

setx APP_CONFIGURATION_CONNECTION_STRING "<Your Primary Read Only Connection String>"

Restart you Command Prompt to get the new Environment Variable

Run Application

Build and run the application.

mvn clean compile spring-boot:run

Go to localhost:8080 and you will see the message Message: Beta Off

Open a new cli and turn the feature flag on.

az appconfig feature enable -n demo-store --feature Beta --yes

Configuration/Feature Flags only refresh every 30s by default. Refresh localhost:8080 a few times and you will see the message Message: Beta On

Note: You will also see this in the logs.

Refresh keys changed: [feature-management.featureManagement]