
Primary LanguageShell


A bootstrap script for Homeshick, Prezto, Homebrew and my personal dotfiles.

curl -sL -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrmachine/dotfiles/master/bootstrap.sh | sh

Includes the following features:

  • Keep ~ clean by placing Zsh dotfiles in ~/.zsh.
  • Enable optional Prezto modules: archive, git, homebrew, node, osx, python, rsync, screen, wakeonlan, terminal, fasd, syntax-highlighting, and history-substring-search.
  • Enable optional Prezto configuration: dot-expansion (editor), highlighters (syntax-highlighting), and auto-title (terminal).
  • Source Zprezto and Zsh scripts and combine SSH config files from ~/.zsh/zprezto.d, ~/.zsh/zshrc.d, ~/.ssh/config.d, etc., making it easy to mixin partial dotfiles from collaborative castles.
  • Aliases: ls, ps, sup and supctl (Supervisor).
  • Use Sublime Text as the default editor and for Nose Progressive.
  • Sublime Text preferences and plugins including:
  • Global EditorConfig preferences.
  • Global ignores for Git and Mercurial.
  • Terminal.app themes and color palettes based on the Base16 colour scheme.
  • Global Brewfile for command line and GUI apps.

You should add to, delete, extend or replace the default configuration as you see fit, then commit and push your changes to a remote repository.