Deploy to Docker Cloud

Plex Cloud Suite

Provides a suite of apps, already configured to work together, to automate downloads and manage your Plex Cloud media library:

  • Couch Potato
  • NZBGet
  • Sick Rage
  • Transmission

Run on Docker Cloud

  1. Click the Deploy to Docker Cloud button above to create a new stack on Docker Cloud.

  2. Provide or update values for all the required environment variables.

  3. Save and start the stack.

  4. Navigate to the Endpoints section of the stack and take note of the address for the service endpoint. Something like: plex-cloud-suite.{stack-name}.{sha}

  5. Configure wildcard or individual subdomain CNAME records that point to the service endpoint noted above, for couchpotato, nzbget, plex, sickrage, and transmission on your domain.

Note that on Docker Cloud, persistent data (personal configuration, media library metadata) is stored on the node. If services are redeployed to a different node, this data will be lost.

Run with Docker Compose

  1. Get the code and change directory:

    $ git clone
    $ cd plex-cloud-suite
  2. Save docker-compose.override.sample.yml as docker-compose.override.yml and provide or update values for all the required environment variables.

  3. Configure wildcard or individual subdomain DNS records that point to your IP address, for couchpotato, nzbget, plex, sickrage, and transmission on your domain.

Required Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be provided:

  • BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD -- All services except Plex Media Server (which implements its own authentication) will be protected by basic auth using these credentials.

  • DOMAIN and EMAIL -- The domain on which the individual app subdomains are configured, and an email address where certificate expiration notices should be sent.

  • RCLONE_CONF -- Run rclone config to generate an rclone.conf file for your preferred cloud storage provider. Add the contents of the file to your docker-cloud.yml or docker-compose.yml file.

LogEntries Integration

  • Create a free account at

  • Create two manual TCP (token) logs (named docker-logentries and docker-logspout) in a log set named plex-cloud-suite.

  • Add the docker-logentries token to the command for the logentries service.

  • Add the docker-logspout token to the SYSLOG_STRUCTURED_DATA environment variable for the logspout service.

  • Add your account key to the LOGENTRIES_ACCOUNT_KEY environment variable for the plex-cloud-suite service.

Secure Access Over HTTPS

All services can only be accessed remotely over HTTPS. SSL certificates will be created and renewed automatically for app subdomains under the domain given in the DOMAIN environment variable.

Cloud Storage via Rclone and UnionFS

The /mnt/remote/storage directory is where your Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive cloud storage will be mounted via Rclone.

The /mnt/storage directory is a UnionFS mount spanning /mnt/local/storage and /mnt/remote/storage.

Couch Potato and Sick Rage will move downloaded files to the Movies and TV Shows directories in local storage, via the UnionFS mount, during post processing.

An rclone move command runs in a loop, moving files older than 1 minute from local to remote storage.


All the apps are configured to work together, and some of their default settings have been tweaked according to my own personal preferences. Notably:

  • Couch Potato
    • Enable dark theme
    • Enable debug logging
    • Rename and move downloaded files to /mnt/storage/Movies
      • File name format: <thename> (<year>) <quality><cd>.<ext>
      • Folder name format: <thename> (<year>)
    • Enable NZBGet, Plex Media Server, and Transmission integration
    • Enable DogNZB, GeekNZB, and Pass The Popcorn searchers
    • Disable public torrent trackers
    • Enable library management
    • Enable Pushover notifications
    • Prefer NZBs over torrents
    • Require 2160P, 1080P, or DVD-Rip quality
    • Automation requirements: Sci-Fi, rated over 8.0, released after 1979
  • NZBGet
    • Enable nzbToMedia integration
    • Disable authentication (rely on nginx basic authentication)
    • Enable loggable output
    • Server 1 config: 10 connections, encrypted, port 443
    • Server 2 config: level 1, 10 connections, encrypted, port 443
    • Pause download queue on par check, unpack and script execution.
  • Sick Rage
    • Enable BTN, DogNZB, GeekNZB, and providers
    • Enable failed download handling (via nzbToMedia)
    • Enable auto-update
    • Enable debug logging
    • Flatten folders by default
    • Rename and move downloaded files to /mnt/storage/TV Shows
      • File naming pattern: %Sx%0E %EN %QN
    • Allow 1080P HDTV or SD DVD quality, prefer 1080P WEB-DL
  • Transmission
    • Remove movie torrents and data after a seed ratio of 2.0
    • Remove TV show torrents and data after 240 hours (10 days) seed time

Check the etc/*.tmpl.* files to see exactly what has been changed from their original defaults.

You will need to further configure them with your own personal preferences. For example:

  • Torrent tracker credentials
  • Usenet indexer/provider credentials
  • Wanted movies and TV shows


Completed torrents and data will be removed from Transmission when ratio or seeding time requirements have been satisfied. Configure the rules with the REQUIREMENTS environment variable:

# {category:ratio:hours};...
REQUIREMENTS="Movies:2.0:;TV Shows::240"

By default, movies will be removed after a seed ratio of 2.0 and TV shows will be removed after a seed time of 240 hours (10 days).