Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible
- araiyusukekawasaki
- arayrayPittsburgh, Pa
- awayoSeville, Spain
- christocracyTransistor Software
- cpantell
- deeprojectsdeeprojects
- DimalPereraSri Lanka
- dreamer0924
- drmillanViafirma & Chocodev
- edutrulLullabot & heydru!
- gouravdCayfay
- gvsrini
- hispasat
- honne
- iphoneandroidtesting
- ir210München, Germany
- jhcloos
- joxadNovajox
- khaledkhj
- kikogo
- mayuluISV
- Mentix
- mkvoid
- mrmans0nTwitter
- MrThreepwood
- pedroduran
- phdAppCustomer Contact
- rafaelmembrivesEspaña
- rashel007Private
- rlabanca
- Thanhktm
- the-jedi-droidAustralia
- ther12k
- tommaso1974Rome ( Italy )
- wobbinceSheffield
- zourbQihoo360