
Elixir Web Framework

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality

Getting started

  1. Install Phoenix

     git clone https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix.git && cd phoenix && mix do deps.get, compile
  2. Create a new Phoenix application

     mix phoenix.new your_app /path/to/scaffold/your_app

    Important: Run this task in the Phoenix installation directory cloned in the step above. The path provided: /path/to/scaffold/your_app/ should be outside of the framework installation directory. This will either create a new application directory or install the application into an existing directory.


     mix phoenix.new your_app /Users/you/projects/my_app
     mix phoenix.new your_app ../relative_path/my_app
  3. Change directory to /path/to/scaffold/your_app. Install dependencies and start web server

     mix do deps.get, compile
     mix phoenix.start

Router example

defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  plug Plug.Static, at: "/static", from: :your_app

  get "/pages/:page", Controllers.Pages, :show, as: :page
  get "/files/*path", Controllers.Files, :show

  resources "users", Controllers.Users do
    resources "comments", Controllers.Comments

  scope path: "admin", alias: Controllers.Admin, helper: "admin" do
    resources "users", Users

Controller examples

defmodule Controllers.Pages do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def show(conn) do
    if conn.params["page"] in ["admin"] do
      redirect conn, Router.page_path(page: "unauthorized")
      text conn, "Showing page #{conn.params["page"]}"


defmodule Controllers.Users do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def show(conn) do
    text conn, "Showing user #{conn.params["id"]}"

  def index(conn) do
    html conn, """


Phoenix provides a configuration per environment set by the MIX_ENV environment variable. The default environment Dev will be set if MIX_ENV does not exist.

Configuration file structure:

├── your_app/lib/config/
│   ├── config.ex          Base application configuration
│   ├── dev.ex
│   ├── prod.ex
│   └── test.ex
# your_app/lib/config/config.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config do
  use Phoenix.Config.App

  config :router, port: System.get_env("PORT")
  config :plugs, code_reload: false
  config :logger, level: :error

# your_app/lib/config/dev.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config.Dev do
  use YourApp.Config

  config :router, port: 4000
  config :plugs, code_reload: true
  config :logger, level: :debug

Mix Tasks

mix phoenix                                    # List Phoenix tasks
mix phoenix.new     app_name destination_path  # Creates new Phoenix application
mix phoenix.routes  [MyApp.Router]             # Prints routes
mix phoenix --help                             # This help

Static Assets

Static asset support can be added by including Plug.Static in your router. Static assets will be served from the priv/static/ directory of your application.

  plug Plug.Static, at: "/static", from: :your_app


API documentaion is available at http://api.phoenixframework.org/


There are no guidelines yet. Do what feels natural. Submit a bug, join a discussion, open a pull request.

Building documentation

  1. Clone docs repository into ../docs. Relative to your phoenix directory.
  2. Run mix run release_docs.exs in phoenix directory.
  3. Change directory to ../docs.
  4. Commit and push docs.

Feature Roadmap

  • Robust Routing DSL
    • Named route helpers
    • resource routing for RESTful endpoints
    • Scoped definitions
    • Member/Collection resource routes
  • Configuration
    • Environment based configuration with ExConf
  • Middleware
    • Plug Based Connection handling
    • Code Reloading
    • Enviroment Based logging with log levels
    • Static File serving
  • Controllers
    • html/json/text helpers
    • redirects
    • Error page handling
    • Error page handling per env
  • Views
    • Precompiled View handling
  • Realtime
    • Raw websocket handler
    • Websocket multiplexing/channels
    • Websocket routing DSL
    • Websocket Controllers