
A bulletproof Brainfuck interpreter in C

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A bulletproof, tested, Brainfuck interpreter written in C.


For full documentation, see DOCUMENTATION.md.

  • Defined commands are >, <, +, -, ., ,, [ and ]. All other characters are ignored.
  • The array for data (tape) is dynamically allocated, and therefore extends 'infinitely' to the right (as long as more memory can be allocated). Going backwards from the first cell causes an error.
  • Each cell is implemented as an unsigned character, and is guaranteed to be one bit. This means 8 bytes on most systems.
  • Jump instructions [ and ] must be properly nested or the interpreter exits with an error.
  • If an EOF is encountered during input, the cell is set to 0.

Build and run

The program is configured to be built by CMake. It is written in one file using standard C99 and can therefore be compiled by any spec-compliant compiler.

Build and install MaxBF:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
cmake --build build --target install

Run MaxBF:

maxbf FILE

See complete instructions at DOCUMENTATION.md.


With CMake:


Or with the generated Makefile:

make test


MaxBF is distributed as free software under the GNU GPL V3 license.