
Ansible role for installng postgresql and/or create database / user

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ansible role - Postgresql database install role

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

This role installs and configures a postgresql server, or add new databases and user to an existing installation


This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.

Role Variables

The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.

  - name: database_name1
      - user: user_name1
        password: user_password
        privileges: ALL
        type: database
      - user: user_name2
        password: user_password
        privileges: ALL
        type: database
  - name: database_name2
     - user: user_name1
       password: user_password
       privileges: ALL
       type: database


  1. Install postgresql without adding databases:

    • { role: repleo.postgresql }
  2. Install postgresql and add two databases:

    • { role: repleo.postgresql, databases: [ { name: testdb1, users:[] }, { name: testdb2, users:[] } ] }
  3. Install postgresql, add two databases, and configure database users per database:

    • { role: repleo.postgresql,
      databases: [ { name: testdb, users: [ { user: testuser1, password: 12345, privileges: ALL, type: database }, { user: testuser2, password: 12345, privileges: ALL, type: database }, ] } ] }




GPL v3 - (c) 2016, Repleo, Amstelveen

Author Information

Repleo, Amstelveen, Holland -- www.repleo.nl
Jeroen Arnoldus (jeroen@repleo.nl)