
A buildback to generate your own svg icon server

Primary LanguageElixir


A buildpack that eaily lets you create your own self documented icon SVG server

Here's how it works:

All you need is a directory of svgs that might look something like:

│   │   file01.svg
│   │   file02.svg
│   │   ...
│   │   file03.svg
│   │   file04.svg
│   │   ...
│   │   file05.svg
│   │   file06.svg
│   │   ...

Just make sure all your svgs are within a folder. Then you just:

  • heroku create myapp --buildpack https://github.com/mrmicahcooper/micon.git
  • Set a SECRET_KEY_BASE config var
    • heroku config:add SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
  • Set the HOST to your app's domain
    • heroku config:add HOST=https://my-icon-test.herokuapp.com
  • git push heroku master

Done! Enjoy your svgs!