
A composable Elixir static site generator

Primary LanguageElixirISC LicenseISC

Still: a composable Elixir static site generator

Still logo

🚧 This package is still in progress - badumm tss

Still is a different take on building static sites.

Still takes a step back from the status quo, to a simpler time, without compromising on the great developer experience some of us have grown used to.

Still is the web, still how you used to. Still weird. Still simple.

Still focuses on your happiness and speed of development. It automates the boring parts and leaves the good ones to you.

Still shines the spotlight on your abilities to write the best code you can. It is customisable, composable and as extensible as you want to. It is as powerful as you are.

Still is our gift to the community. Stay simple. Stay weird.

For more information please read the documentation.


To install Still you add it to your dependency list. You should be able to add it to any mix project.

For new projects

Run mix archive.install hex still_new to install the archive on your system.

Afterwards, create a static site by running mix still.new my_site. That's it!

Adding to an existing project

Add still as a dependency in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:still, "~> 0.3.0"}

Open up config.exs and set the input and output folders:

config :still,
  input: Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "priv/site"),
  output: Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "_site")

Create a file index.slime in the input folder.

For more information please visit the website.


Still was created and is maintained with ❤️ by Subvisual.



Still is released under the ISC License.