
Reality EZPZ

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


You can install and configure reality protocol on your linux server by executing a single command.

This script:

  • Installs docker with compose plugin in your server
  • Generates docker-compose.yml and reality (xray) configuration
  • Generates client configuration string and QRcode


  • Generates client configuration string
  • Generates client configuration QRcode
  • You can regenerate configuration and keys
  • You can change SNI domain
  • You can change transport protocol
  • You can block malware and adult contents

This script is designed for Ubuntu and Debian.

Quick Start

You can start using this script with default configuration by copy and paste the line below in terminal:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez)

or (if the above command dosen't work):

bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleskxyz/reality-ezpz/master/reality-ezpz.sh)

After a while you will get confgiuration string and QR code: image

Advanced Configuration

You can change script defaults by using different arguments.

Notice: You need to mention non-default options each time when you want to run the script, otherwise it will use its default options and overwrite you existing configurations.

Change SNI domain

Default SNI domain is www.google.com.

You can change it by using --domain or -d options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -d yahoo.com

Change transport protocol

Default transport protocol is tcp.

You can change it by using --trans or -t options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -t h2

Valid options are tcp,h2 and grpc.

Block malware and adult contents

You can block malware and adult contents by using --safenet or -s options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -s

Regenerate configuration and keys

You can regenerate all the configuration and keys by using --regenerate or -r options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -r


You can delete configuration and services by using --uninstall or -u options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -u

Change configuration path

Default configuration path is $HOME/reality.

You can change it by using --path or -p options:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -p /opt/reality

The path should be absolute path.


You can combine different options together.

We want to create a reality account that:

  • Uses grpc transport protocol
  • Uses www.wikipedia.org as SNI domain
  • Changes default path to /opt/xray
  • Blocks adult contents

So we need to execute this command:

bash <(curl -sL https://bit.ly/realityez) -t grpc -d www.wikipedia.com -p /opt/xray -s