
Personal digital garden. An obsidian vault for all my notes. Keeping it public in case it could help other people.


The Vault - Personal digital garden

Still a WIP since I need to migrate all my notes from OneNote.

An obsidian vault with all my notes. Keeping it public in case it could help other people.


  • I just started using Obsidian recently, so I don't have a lot of notes and the structure will definitely change.
  • The repo is updated automatically using the obsidian-git plugin, so commits won't be that meaningful.

To do

  • Reorganize notes (The P.A.R.A. method looks interesting)
  • Publish vault as a publicly available website (using Quartz maybe?)
  • List all enabled plugins


Drag this Send to Obsidian to your bookmarks, right-click and select edit, paste the following instead of the link.

javascript: (function () {
  const title = document.title;
  const selectedText = window.getSelection().toString();
  const url = document.location.href;
  const tag = '[[saved_from_chrome]]';
  const content = `# ${title} ${
    selectedText != "" ?
      `${"\n"} > ${selectedText.replaceAll("\n", "\n> ")}`
      : ""
    } ${"\n\n"} - [${title}](${url}) ${"\n\n"} ${tag}`;
  document.location.href =
