A sudoko solver!
Solves 9x9 (n=3, v fast!) and 16x16 (n=4, much less fast) puzzles.
git clone https://github.com/mrmonkington/sudokuloco.git
cd sudokuloco
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python sudokuloco/solver.py < tests/hard_9_1.txt
Something like this:
4 . . . . . 8 . 5
. 3 . . . . . . .
. . . 7 . . . . .
. 2 . . . . . 6 .
. . . . 8 . 4 . .
. . . . 1 . . . .
. . . 6 . 3 . 7 .
5 . . 2 . . . . .
1 . 4 . . . . . .
8 _ _ _ 9 _ 2 5 _
5 _ _ _ 7 _ 6 _ 1
_ _ _ 8 _ _ _ 9 4
_ 7 5 9 4 _ _ _ _
6 4 _ 7 _ 8 _ _ _
_ _ _ _ 2 6 4 7 _
9 2 _ _ _ 4 _ _ _
7 _ 8 _ 1 _ _ _ 2
_ 5 6 _ 8 _ _ _ 9
Run tests:
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
python -m pytest tests/ --cov=sudokuloco
Run tests with some diagnostic output
python -m pytest tests/ --cov=sudokuloco -vv -s
Speed it up for hard puzzles! The search is extremely naive.Not tested (yet!) with 16x16 puzzles (but blindly coded in a size agnostic way)- solved a 16x16 'expert' puzzle in 9m (not great? not sure - don't have a benchmark)- Add some launch options and read classic puzzle one-liners from http://magictour.free.fr/top95
- Tidy up for packaging