
Provides a method to allow Marmalade developers to tell the Android media scanner to add a file to its media collection making it immediately available to other applications.

Name: Marmalade Media Scanner
Description: Provides a method to force the Android media scanner to scan a media file and add it to its media database, making it available to other applications
Developer: Mat Hopwood
Contact: http://www.drmop.com


1. Copy the MediaScanne folder to the extensions folder in the Marmalade SDK
2. Run MediaScanner_Android.mkb and then MediaScanner_Android_java.mkb to build the extension
3. Add MediaScanner.mkf to your subprojects area ofyour project MKB file
4. Add MediaScanner.h to your source file
5. Call Scan(const char* path_to_file, const char* mime_type) to add your media file to the Android media library


Scan("/sdcard/myappfolder/myimage.png, "image/png");