- 0 is broken
#68 opened by lachlanjc - 0
- 0 is down
#66 opened by upgradeQ - 1
Generative gifs, instead of screencaps
#65 opened by ELLIOTTCABLE - 0
Gif for /g_ is missing
#61 opened by ple103 - 0
gif for '+' missing
#64 opened by cometsong - 1
GIF URL for /zt/ is broken
#63 opened by cypher - 0
- 1
Display random gifs button by default
#59 opened by charlesvdv - 0
Image for set-ruler returns access denied
#58 opened by ajorgensen - 0
Random vimgif button is broken
#53 opened by knowler - 0
Search vimgifs
#54 opened by Trevoke - 1
Generate curated pages using yaml or json file
#50 opened by sammdec - 1
optimize gifs
#24 opened by mrmrs - 2
Further reading links don't show on homepage
#44 opened by mrmrs - 0
Links on are broken
#47 opened by mrmrs - 3
Add permalink to main post on home page.
#38 opened by mrmrs - 1
Duplicate ctgt posts
#31 opened by sammdec - 1
Potential typos in d
#32 opened by sammdec - 1
Incorrect link in j.html.erb
#33 opened by sammdec - 1
Description & links in t.html
#35 opened by sammdec - 1
Link mismatch in x.html
#37 opened by sammdec - 1
Should h.html have any copy
#34 opened by sammdec - 1
Change default branch to master
#30 opened by sammdec - 1
No visible gif for cd post
#26 opened by samburnstone - 3
Add Atom or RSS feed
#22 opened by pickfire - 2
- 1
Links with no href
#19 opened by topher1kenobe - 2
Add setup details to README
#5 opened by lachlanjc - 0
Links broken on homepage
#14 opened by alexcarpenter - 1
Keep markup out of content entries
#15 opened by alexcarpenter - 0
Add titles to links
#13 opened by mrmrs - 1
missing letter
#6 opened by willwong123 - 1
m GIF is broken
#10 opened by chrispsn - 1
Opening files on the specified line
#9 opened by wmonk