
💎 A curated list of awesome HTTP Clients for exploring, debugging, and testing APIs. Best place to find postman alternatives.

Awesome HTTP Clients

A curated list of awesome HTTP Clients for exploring, debugging, and testing APIs.


Desktop HTTP Clients with graphical user interfaces.

  • API Test Base - Tool for integration testing a variety of APIs.
  • Advanced REST Client - Free and open source API testing tool.
  • Amialive (macOS, Linux) - Simple yet powerful HTTP client.
  • Auxl (macOS) - A Playground for API Development.
  • Bruno Fast and git-friendly open-source API client
  • Cocoa Rest Client (macOS) - A free open source, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints.
  • FRequest - A fast, lightweight and open-source desktop application to make HTTP(s) requests.
  • Fiddler - Web debugging proxy for MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
  • Firecamp - API platform for GraphQL, REST, SocketIO and WebSocket.
  • GetIt (Linux) - Application to send HTTP requests to test your API endpoints.
  • HTTP Toolkit - Open-source HTTP(S) debugging proxy, analyzer & client.
  • HttpMaster (Windows) - Professional Windows tool for HTTP testing and debugging.
  • Humlix - Generate tests for your web APIs in minutes.
  • Insomnia - API client for GraphQL, REST, and gRPC.
  • Insomnium - 100% local and privacy-focused fork of Insomnia 2023.5.8
  • Kreya - gRPC and REST client; Calling APIs made easy
  • Milkman - An Extensible Request/Response Workbench.
  • Nightingale (Windows) - A modern, resource-efficient REST API client for Windows.
  • Paw (macOS) - Fast and feature rich native macOS application.
  • Postman - Complete API development environment.
  • RESTClient - RESTClient is a Java application to test RESTful web services.
  • Requester - Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client for SublimeText.
  • Rest Scope (Linux) - a simple http/rest testing tool built to fit right in with your existing Gnome setup; built with D and GtkD.
  • Spectator (Linux) - Fully customizable way to test your APIs; native GTK
  • Test Mace - Tool for working with an API and creating automated API tests.
  • Thunder Client - A lightweight Rest API Client Extension for VS Code.
  • WebMaestro (Windows) - Powerful and simple REST and SOAP tools for developers and testers.
  • Wisdom rest-client - A tool for automated testing REST API.
  • YaakApp - Yaak helps you interact with REST, GraphQL, and gRPC and Websocket.
  • friflo POST - HTTP Client for VS Code to POST JSON, XML, image, ... files to REST APIs.


HTTP Clients accessible from terminal.

  • HttPie - A command-line tool for transferring data with URL syntax.
  • cURL - Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client.
  • curlie - The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie.
  • curlx - API Interaction with history, collections and more.


Web based HTTP Clients (Websites, Browser extensions).

  • Hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem.
  • RESTer - Browser extension REST client for almost any web service.
  • Restfox - Simple browser-based REST client can be installed as Chrome app.
  • Resting - WebExtension that permits to test and analyze HTTP request directly from you browser.
  • Stoplight - Stoplight is an API Design, Development, and Documentation platform.
  • Swagger - Design, describe, and document APIs on open source editor dedicated to OpenAPI-based APIs.


Mobile HTTP Clients for Android and iOS (apps)

  • ApiClient (Android) - Test Rest APIs with your phone.
  • HTTP Client (Android) - A simple tool for sending customized HTTP requests and viewing responses.
  • HTTPBot (iOS) - Make requests & debug APIs on the go.
  • Httper - An App for developers to test REST API.
  • Overlog (iOS) - The simplest App Debugger for iOS.