Full Stack Development Lab

Node.js Server without Express

This project aims to create a Node.js server without using the Express framework. It provides a lightweight alternative for building server-side applications in Node.js.

Node.js CRUD with MongoDB

This project demonstrates creating a Node.js server with CRUD operations using MongoDB as the database. It offers a robust solution for handling data persistence in Node.js applications.

Node.js with Express

A Node.js server built using the Express framework. Express is a popular choice for creating web applications and APIs in Node.js due to its simplicity and flexibility.

Form Creation and Validation

This project showcases how to create and validate forms in Node.js applications. Proper form validation is crucial for ensuring data integrity and security in web applications.

React Counter

A simple React application demonstrating a counter component. This project serves as a basic introduction to building user interfaces with React.

TO DO React

A todo list application built with React. This project helps users manage their tasks efficiently using a simple and intuitive interface.

Login and Signup

This project focuses on implementing user authentication and signup functionality in a web application. Secure authentication is essential for protecting user data and ensuring a seamless user experience.

How to Clone

1.Click the code and copy the repo link

2.Open terminal or command prompt in your desired location

3.Type git clone Paste_the_link


Each project has how to run file