
A presentation plugin for vim.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


slides.vim is a plugin that turns markdown files into presentable slides. Best served with vim-obsession, hologram.nvim, and limelight.vim.

This plugin uses the argument list (see :h arglist) to define the set of slides for a given presentation. Each slide corresponds to one entry in the argument list. Entries correspond to files with the slide extension.

The example directory contains a set of example slides which produce the following output:


Using vim-plug:

Plug 'mroavi/slides.vim'

Using packer.nvim:

use 'mroavi/slides.vim'


  • WYSIWYG slides
  • Markdown syntax
  • Code block syntax highlighting
  • Configurable font size and cursor color for the Alacritty and Kitty terminals.


Action Description
:Present Toggle presentation mode
j Next slide
k Previous slide
J Next paragraph
K Previous paragraph


Option Description Default
g:slides_font_size Font size in presentation mode 18
g:slides_cursor_color Cursor color in presentation mode '#282828'
g:slides_cursor_text_color Cursor text color in presentation mode '#ffc24b'