
The video.js blog

Primary LanguageCSS

video.js blog

The new video.js blog based on hexo.

Lead Maintainer: Gary Katsevman @gkatsev

Maintenance Status: Stable

Writing New Posts

To write a new post on the blog, first run

npm run draft "blog title"

This will create a markdown file with the filename as a slug of the blog title in source/_drafts. For example: source/_drafts/blog-title.md. Make sure to fill out the yaml front matter:

  name: Your Name
  github: githubusername

The github username is used to display your github avatar.


When generating a draft, a folder with the same slug as the blog post is generated as a sibling of the blog post: source/_drafts/blog-title/. You can place various assets in there and then refer to them locally. For example, for an image name title.png, you can use the following embed code ![title](title.png) and hexo will resolve this for you.

Running the blog locally

To see your drafts and create a local server that watches your changes, just run

npm run dev

Publishing Posts

When you're ready to publish a post, you'll want to run

npm run publish "blog title"

This will move the post and the assets folder from _drafts/ to _posts and also update the timestamp and other metadata.

Releasing the blog

You've published your posts, now to publish the blog to the public, you can run

npm run release

Running other hexo commands

You can either install hexo globally to run other commands, or you can just use the hexo npm script:

npm run hexo -- help

Make sure that the -- is there and is separate from the rest of the commands.