Xipetotec is a collection of bash scripts that help with the administration of a server, this is a project for the Professor Melchor Adrian Leal Suarez @ Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro giving the OS Admin subject.
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
pip3 install telebot
##To install the programs you need to run the install.sh script,
##it needs some arguments to start the install, you must specify the following
## -p ==> Directory Path
## -t ==> Telegram Token
## -n ==> Servername
##So it should look something like this
./install.sh -p /opt/ -n newServerName -t "523301333:AAFoDVQcngPxRa"
##Once installed you can use the next application to know if a user exists
userExists username
##To activate the Smart Vigilance Service, you can use systemctl
systemctl start VVI2
##To check the status of the service, try the next command
systemctl status VVI2
##To stop the service try this
systemctl stop VVI2
##If you need to restart, try the next command
systemctl restart VVI2
##To uninstall program
Proyect made for the OS Admin subject given by Prof. Melchor Adrian Leal Suarez @ Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Facultad de Informática