
An automated dependency upgrade module for NodeJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Automatically upgrade your NPM dependencies to the latest version!

This module provides the CLI functionality that you've been looking for to tackle technical debt with NPM modules head-on. You'll be up-to-date in no time with the functionality to specify the upgrade level to run or you can perform a dry-run to see what upgrades would be made without actually changing anything.


$ npm install -g updep


$ npm update -g updep


Usage: updep <package.json> [options]

  -v, --version                     output the version number
  -p, --version-prefix <prefix>     Optional package version prefix to prepend (default: "^")
  -s, --indent-spaces <num_spaces>  Number of spaces of indentation for package.json (default: 4)
  -i, --version-increment [level]   Package.json version increment level {major|minor|patch} (default: "patch")
  -V, --verbose                     Verbose mode
  -U, --upgrade-level [level]       Dependency version upgrade level {major|minor|patch} (default: "major")
  -D, --dry-run                     Show the upgrades that would be performed instead of upgrading
  -h, --help                        output usage information

  $ updep --help
  $ updep -h
  $ updep package.json -p ^ -i major
  $ updep package.json -p "~" -s 4 -i minor -U patch --dry-run


Coming soon...

npm run lint && npm test

Note: This requires mocha and should.


  • Upgrades your package.json to have the latest versions for dependencies and devDependencies.