This repository demonstrates the usage of Sequelize within an Koa application.
First of all, don't forget to edit /config/config.js
, create database then run:
npm install
npm start
This will start the application and create database tables. Just open http://localhost:3000.
Now we will install all sequelize related modules.
# install ORM , CLI and SQLite dialect
npm install --save sequelize sequelize-cli mysql2
# generate models
node_modules/.bin/sequelize init
node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string
There is several authentication strategies available. You can use which one you want and remove those you don't want.
Available strategies:
- local
For routes you want to be accessable only by authenticated users, authenticated
middleware can be used like:
router.get('/authenticated-route', authenticated(), async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'You are logged in'
Authenticated middleware is in /utils/index.js
For demonstrating ORM relationship, Post model created. The relationship is between users and posts like"
Post.belongsTo(User, {as: 'Author'})
You can find examples of relationship when creating new post, which each post will be associated to a user and also in route /posts/user-posts/
which gets all posts of logged in user.