
Variation of a poker game.

Primary LanguageGo

Larvis - variation of a poker game


  • Each player gets a hand of 5 cards
  • Available symbols are 23456789TJQKA, in order of value (A being the more valuable)

Combinations in order of value:

  • Four of a kind, like 77377
  • Full house, means 3 of a kind, and 2 of a kind, in the same hand, like KK2K2
  • Triple, like 32666
  • Two pairs, like 77332
  • A pair, like 43K9K
  • High card, when there's none of the above, like 297QJ

When two hands have the same combination value, the combination with the higher cards wins.

For example:

  • when there are two pairs, the higher pair is compared first, so 99662 wins against 88776.

  • when comparing full houses, triples go first, then pairs, so 88822 defeats QQ777.

  • if the combinations are identical, then the other cards are compared, highest to lowest, so 7T2T6 wins against TT753, because TT = TT, 7 = 7, but 6 > 5.

Some examples of hands and what the result should be.

Hand 1 Hand 2 Winner
53QQ2 Q53Q2 Tie
53888 88385 Tie
Q53Q2 53QQ2 Tie
88385 53888 Tie
Q53Q4 53QQ2 Hand 1
53888 88375 Hand 1
33337 QQAAA Hand 1
22333 AAA58 Hand 1
33389 AAKK4 Hand 1
44223 AA892 Hand 1
22456 AKQJT Hand 1
99977 77799 Hand 1
99922 88866 Hand 1
9922A 9922K Hand 1
99975 99965 Hand 1
99975 99974 Hand 1
99752 99652 Hand 1
99752 99742 Hand 1
99753 99752 Hand 1
88822 QQ777 Hand 1
99662 88776 Hand 1
53QQ2 Q53Q4 Hand 2
88375 53888 Hand 2
QQAAA 33337 Hand 2
AAA58 22333 Hand 2
AAKK4 33389 Hand 2
AA892 44223 Hand 2
AKQJT 22456 Hand 2
77799 99977 Hand 2
88866 99922 Hand 2
9922K 9922A Hand 2
99965 99975 Hand 2
99974 99975 Hand 2
99652 99752 Hand 2
99742 99752 Hand 2
99752 99753 Hand 2


You can run it by using your local GO installation or by using the attached Dockerfile.

Get repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/mroobert/larvis.git

Using GO

Run a game:

$ cd cmd

$ go run main.go -hand1 AAAQQ -hand2 QQAAA

Run multiple games defined in the ./cmd/games.csv file:

$ cd cmd

$ go run main.go -csv

Using Docker

Build a docker image:

$ docker build -t poker-larvis .

Run a game:

$ docker run poker-larvis -hand1 AAAQQ -hand2 QQAAA

Run multiple games defined in the cmd/games.csv file:

$ docker run poker-larvis -csv