
MARTe demos padova exercises

Primary LanguageC

MARTe2 Training Demo Repository

Repository containing all the demos for MARTe2 Training Session

Setting up environment

It is assumed that a clean CentOS 7 installation is being used (https://www.centos.org/download/).

Alternatively, there is also a Dockerfile available (see below).

Download all the needed software

Open a terminal, install epel repository and update the distribution:

yum -y install epel-release

yum -y update

Install git:

yum -y install git

Install all the standard development tools, the cmake3 compiler and octave:

yum -y groups install "Development Tools"

yum -y install wget cmake3 octave libxml2 libxml2-devel bc

Solve dependencies for MARTe2 and EPICS:

yum -y install ncurses-devel readline-devel

Install Python and Perl Parse utilities for open62541:

yum -y install python-dateutil python-six perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS

Install MDSplus

yum -y install http://www.mdsplus.org/dist/el7/stable/RPMS/noarch/mdsplus-repo-7.50-0.el7.noarch.rpm

yum -y install mdsplus-kernel* mdsplus-java* mdsplus-python* mdsplus-devel*

Create a folder named Projects and clone MARTe2 Core, MARTe2 components and the MARTe2 demos:

mkdir ~/Projects

cd ~/Projects

git clone https://vcis-gitlab.f4e.europa.eu/aneto/MARTe2.git MARTe2-dev

git clone -b \#351_OPCUA https://vcis-gitlab.f4e.europa.eu/aneto/MARTe2-components.git

git clone https://vcis-gitlab.f4e.europa.eu/aneto/MARTe2-demos-padova.git

Download EPICS R70.2:

git clone -b R7.0.2 --recursive https://github.com/epics-base/epics-base.git epics-base-7.0.2

Clone open62541 v0.3 library:

git clone -b 0.3 https://github.com/open62541/open62541.git

Download SDN:

wget https://vcis-gitlab.f4e.europa.eu/aneto/MARTe2-demos-padova/raw/develop/Other/SDN_1.0.12_nonCCS.tar.gz

tar zxvf SDN_1.0.12_nonCCS.tar.gz

Building libraries and frameworks

Start building the open62541 library:

mkdir ~/Projects/open62541/build

cd ~/Projects/open62541/build

cmake3 ..


Compile EPICS:

cd ~/Projects/epics-base-7.0.2

echo "OP_SYS_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11" >> configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86_64.Common


Compile SDN:

cd ~/Projects/SDN_1.0.12_nonCCS


Docker (optional)

In the root folder of this project there is a Dockerfile which includes all the demo dependencies.

cd ~/Projects/MARTe2-demos-padova

docker build .

Note that you need to map your local Projects directory with the /root/Projects directory in the container.

To execute the image with your host folder mapped into the container, run:

docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -w /root/Projects -v ~/Projects:/root/Projects:Z -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix DOCKER_IMAGE_ID

Compilings the MARTe and the examples

Make sure that all the environment variables are correctly exported.

export MARTe2_DIR=~/Projects/MARTe2-dev

export MARTe2_Components_DIR=~/Projects/MARTe2-components

export OPEN62541_LIB=~/Projects/open62541/build/bin

export OPEN62541_INCLUDE=~/Projects/open62541/build

export EPICS_BASE=~/Projects/epics-base-7.0.2

export EPICSPVA=~/Projects/epics-base-7.0.2

export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=linux-x86_64


export SDN_CORE_INCLUDE_DIR=~/Projects/SDN_1.0.12_nonCCS/src/main/c++/include/

export SDN_CORE_LIBRARY_DIR=~/Projects/SDN_1.0.12_nonCCS/target/lib/


cd ~/Projects/MARTe2-dev

make -f Makefile.linux

cd ~/Projects/MARTe2-components

make -f Makefile.linux

cd ~/Projects/MARTe2-demos-padova

make -f Makefile.x86-linux

Disable firewall rules (otherwise the communication with EPICS may not work):

iptable -F

Export all variables permanently (assumes that the relative paths above were used!). cp marte2-exports.sh /etc/profile.d/