
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Related links


  • Lesson 1 Get to know Public
  • Lesson 2 Get to know Backbone and Parse


  • DONE Set up collaboration
  • List of foods


  • Familiarize with Backbone and Handlebars
  • Handlebars demo - Pluralsight


  • Hot or Not layout
  • Upload from phone photo album
  • Nutrition Facts
  • Analytics

0 1

Broccoli ------------------|

Chips |------------------


  1. Run npm install to generate package.json
  2. Remove the packages from package.json that you won't use. Here is a list of what each does
    1. backbone: Backbone.js
    2. bluebird: For Promise support in node
    3. body-parser: For dealing with json body
    4. bootstrap: styling for Frontend
    5. css-loader: for including CSS
    6. expore-loader: for exponsive jQuery to jQuery plugins
    7. express: server
    8. file-loader: common dependency
    9. handlebars: Templates
    10. jquery: Jquery :P
    11. json-loader: for loading json files in require
    12. localtunnel: for generating a local tunnel so that external services can hit your local server
    13. mailgun: mailing service
    14. moment: date service
    15. parse: database as a service
    16. socket.io: socket server
    17. socket.io-client: socket client
    18. styler-loader: dependency of css-loader
    19. twilio: text message API
    20. underscore: data manipulation toolkit
    21. url-loader: common dependency
    22. webpack: frontend asset compressor
    23. winston: for logging
  3. Copy config.sample.js to config.js (it's git ignored and should never be in repo, should be manually copied)
  4. Install webpack sudo npm install -g webpack
  5. Install nodemon sudo npm install -g nodemon
  6. Run webpack watcher in on terminal window webpack --watch in project root
  7. Run nodemon watchin in another terminal window nodemon in project root
  8. Enabled/disable the modules in init that you'll be using
  9. All your publically accessible content will stem from public/app/index.js



Get Object By Id

var Person = Parse.Object.extend('Person');
(new Parse.Query(Person))

    })).catch(_.bind(function (err) {

    }, this));

Save To DB

new Person({
    name: 'Harry'
}).save().then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {


Make A Call

    to: '+1' + phoneNumber,
    from: this.config.twilio.fromNumber,
    url: this.config.rootUrl + '/api/v1/startCall'

Make A Simple TwiML Response

var resp = new twilio.TwimlResponse()

res.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml');

Useful TwiML Responses

resp.hangup(); //Hangs up

Send a Text

var messageTpl = Handlebars.compile(
    fs.readFileSync('template.hbs', 'utf8')

    body: messageTpl({
        //fill in template details here
    to: '+1' + phoneNumber,
    from: this.config.twilio.fromPhone


Emit Data on Server

this.socket.emit('data', 'Some Data');

Capture Data On Client

var socket = require('socket.io-client');
this.socket = socket.connect();
this.socket.on('data', function (data) {


Send Message

var emailTpl = Handlebars.compile(
    fs.readFileSync('template.hbs', 'utf8')

    'Email Subject',
        //Template details here    