
Developing an app that takes a shopping list, and sorts it by food category

Potential data sources

  • The USDA FoodData Central Database: This database contains information on over 50,000 food items, including their nutrient content and food category. You can use this database to find the category of any food item by searching for its name or USDA food code. API:
  • The Global Food Database: This database contains information on over 100,000 food items from around the world, including their nutrient content and food category. You can use this database to find the category of any food item by searching for its name or country of origin.
  • The Open Food Facts Database: This database contains information on over 600,000 food items from around the world, including their nutrient content, ingredients, and food category. You can use this database to find the category of any food item by searching for its name or barcode.

Potential categories

  • Produce: This category includes fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
  • Meat: This category includes beef, chicken, pork, fish, and other meats.
  • Dairy: This category includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs.
  • Pantry: This category includes canned goods, pasta, rice, beans, and other dry goods.
  • Frozen: This category includes frozen fruits, vegetables, meals, and other frozen foods.
  • Beverages: This category includes coffee, tea, juice, soda, and other beverages.
  • Bakery: This category includes bread, pastries, and other baked goods.
  • Snacks: This category includes chips, cookies, candy, and other snacks.
  • Other: This category includes anything else that you need to buy, such as personal care items, cleaning supplies, or pet food.