Rustmas Plugin Template (C++)

A template for implementing ([Rustmas] animation plugins in C++.

In order to create your own animation, make a copy of this repository. You will need to make appropriate changes in the manifest.json file, as well as implement any required methods inside the src/animation.cpp file (likely at least update and render). If you create any additional source files, remember to update CMakeLists.txt.

After everything is done, simply run cmake --build build --target package to build a plugin package. Remember that this is a native binary file, so you need to build on a machine compatible with the one you are running Rustmas on (e.g. on a Raspberry Pi if you're running Rustmas on a Raspberry Pi).

Working with the template

Before you start working on your animation, set up a cmake project. You need to only do this once. You can do it by running:

cmake -S . -B build

Then you can build your package with:

cmake --build build

Although in order to run your animation, you may want to create a package and unpack it in your plugins folder:

cmake --build build --target package
tar xzf animation.tgz

Note: the name of the animation package file is based on your project directory name, so it likely will not be animation.