
Automatically run speed tests and tweet @ your ISP if they are garbage.

Primary LanguagePython


Automatically run speed tests and tweet @ your ISP if they are garbage.


Python Script that utilizes selenium web driver to scrape speed test results and
tweet them at your ISP if they are below a given value.

This script compiles and logs:
  • Download Speed in Mbps
  • Upload Speed in Mbps
  • Latency in msec
  • Jitter in msec

MLab (Measurement Lab) is used for the speedtest.

It's the same test that Google is using in its new native speedtest feature:

Google Test

The MLab's test is located @ http://www.measurementlab.net/tools/ndt/ ,
but the data is scraped from http://www.measurementlab.net/p/ndt-ws.html
because the test is served up through an iframe.

The Tweepy Library is used to access the twitter API.
You will need your own API keys and access tokens from https://dev.twitter.com/.

Sample Output:

Sample Tweet





Config options can be set in config.json:


Set "download" to the download speed you are supposed to get (in Mbps).
Set "upload" to the upload speed you are supposed to get (in Mbps).


Put in your Twitter API keys and Access tokens in the "twitter" section.


The margin sets how much leeway there is for normal fluxuation.
Example: a margin of ".5" triggers an exception and tweet if speeds dip
below 50% of promised speeds (".6" == 60%, etc).
Must be between 0 and 1.


Set "isp" to your ISP's twitter handle.

ISP Twitter Handle
Comcast @comcast
Comcast Support @comcastcares
Spectrum / Time Warner @GetSpectrum
Verizon Fios @verizonfios
Verizon Support @VerizonSupport
AT&T Support @ATTCares
CenturyLink @CenturyLink
CenturyLink Support @CenturyLinkHelp
Cox Communications @CoxComm
Cox Support @CoxCommHelp
Frontier @FrontierCorp

Change the name / location of the .log file. Default location is local directory

Selenium Driver

Change the driver type to one of either 'chrome' or 'firefox'. Leaving empty or not set will use Firefox. If Firefox is not installed in the expected location, set the driver binary to the full path to the Firefox executable. Ex C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

You must have installed the proper driver. See the downloads section here


python3 ~/squeaky-wheel.py

Set it as a cron job to run every x minutes/ hours:
0,30 * * * * python3 ~/squeaky-wheel.py


Drop me a line - mrbenpappas@gmail.com
Or visit my site


The MIT License (MIT)