This is the backend repository for the Script Builder project located here:
This handles the local scripts, as well as sandboxing module scripts (coming soon).
Requires the following prerequisites:
- A Cloudflare account (
- A Cloudflare Workers worker (free - 100k requests a day -
- Wrangler CLI tool (
- Node toolchains (used to install Wrangler) (
- NodeJS for installing dependencies (
- A FaunaDB account for storing created scripts (
- A Roblox account dedicated to uploading the local scripts, sandboxing module scripts and for validating API requests (
The project has the following dependencies:
- FaunaDB (for script storage) (
An example config.js:
module.exports = {
robloxSecret: "_|WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS...", // .ROBLOSECURITY cookie for alternate account
faunaSecret: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890", // Secret for FaunaDB
An example wrangler.toml:
compatibility_date = "2022-09-14"
name = "script-builder-backend"
account_id = "abc123"
workers_dev = true
route = { pattern = "*", zone_id = "abc123" }
main = "./index"
node_compat = true