Atlanitc Night

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A Visual Studio Code theme inspired by the deep blues of the Atlantic. With coding at night in mind, the colour choices have been taking into consideration with accessibility in mind. All colours have been picked from Color Safe which empowers designers with beautiful and accessible colour palettes based on WCAG Guidelines of text and background contrast ratios.

I took this theme on after being inspired by Sarah Drasner's creating a vscode theme article.

Atlantic Night

First Screen langs

NEW Theme!! Atlantic Night - Abyss


Atlantic Night - Abyss is a new high contrast theme, this is still a work in progress. Therefore please do log an issue if you feel there is a way to improve the new theme, colors too bright, more supported languages log those and ill get back to them.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Launch Visual Studio Code
  3. Choose Extensions from menu
  4. Search for atlantic night
  5. Click Install to install it
  6. Click Reload to reload the Code
  7. From the menu bar click: Code > Preferences > Color Theme > Atlantic Night

Preferences shown in the preview

The font in the preview image is Menlo, at a size of 14px and a tabSize of 4.

"editor.fontFamily": "Menlo",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.tabSize": 4,

Icons in the preview are from Material Icon Theme


This is my first attempt at creating a theme, so if you see something amiss, please feel free to file an issue! I'm sure there are things I missed.

All supported languages are in the demos folder

Icon made by Freepik