
A catppuccin theme for homer dashboard

Primary LanguageCSS

Catppuccin Theme for Homer

Inspired by the catppuccin themes, which is a community-driven pastel theme that aims to be the middle ground between low and high contrast themes. I wanted to bring catppuccin to the homer dashboard.


Activating theme

Pick your flavour

🌻 Latte

To use the latte theme you will need to change the default theme to light like so:

  colorTheme: light # One of 'auto', 'light', or 'dark'


Colors used

Labels Hex RGB HSL
Pink #ea76cb rgb(234, 118, 203) hsl(316, 73%, 69%)
Mauve #8839ef rgb(136, 57, 239) hsl(266, 85%, 58%)
Red #d20f39 rgb(210, 15, 57) hsl(347, 87%, 44%)
Peach #fe640b rgb(254, 100, 11) hsl(22, 99%, 52%)
Yellow #df8e1d rgb(223, 142, 29) hsl(35, 77%, 49%)
Green #40a02b rgb(64, 160, 43) hsl(109, 58%, 40%)
Teal #179299 rgb(23, 146, 153) hsl(183, 74%, 35%)
Text #4c4f69 rgb(76, 79, 105) hsl(234, 16%, 35%)
Surface2 #acb0be rgb(172, 176, 190) hsl(227, 12%, 71%)
Surface0 #ccd0da rgb(204, 208, 218) hsl(223, 16%, 83%)
Base #eff1f5 rgb(239, 241, 245) hsl(220, 23%, 95%)
🪴 Frappé


Colors used

Labels Hex RGB HSL
Pink #f4b8e4 rgb(244, 184, 228) hsl(316, 73%, 84%)
Mauve #ca9ee6 rgb(202, 158, 230) hsl(277, 59%, 76%)
Red #e78284 rgb(231, 130, 132) hsl(359, 68%, 71%)
Peach #ef9f76 rgb(239, 159, 118) hsl(20, 79%, 70%)
Yellow #e5c890 rgb(229, 200, 144) hsl(40, 62%, 73%)
Green #a6d189 rgb(166, 209, 137) hsl(96, 44%, 68%)
Teal #81c8be rgb(129, 200, 190) hsl(172, 39%, 65%)
Text #c6d0f5 rgb(198, 208, 245) hsl(227, 70%, 87%)
Surface2 #626880 rgb(98, 104, 128) hsl(228, 13%, 44%)
Surface0 #414559 rgb(65, 69, 89) hsl(230, 16%, 30%)
Base #303446 rgb(48, 52, 70) hsl(229, 19%, 23%)
🌺 Macchiato


Colors used

Labels Hex RGB HSL
Pink #f5bde6 rgb(245, 189, 230) hsl(316, 74%, 85%)
Mauve #c6a0f6 rgb(198, 160, 246) hsl(267, 83%, 80%)
Red #ed8796 rgb(237, 135, 150) hsl(351, 74%, 73%)
Peach #f5a97f rgb(245, 169, 127) hsl(21, 86%, 73%)
Yellow #eed49f rgb(238, 212, 159) hsl(40, 70%, 78%)
Green #a6da95 rgb(166, 218, 149) hsl(105, 48%, 72%)
Teal #8bd5ca rgb(139, 213, 202) hsl(171, 47%, 69%)
Text #cad3f5 rgb(202, 211, 245) hsl(227, 68%, 88%)
Surface2 #5b6078 rgb(91, 96, 120) hsl(230, 14%, 41%)
Surface0 #363a4f rgb(54, 58, 79) hsl(230, 19%, 26%)
Base #24273a rgb(36, 39, 58) hsl(232, 23%, 18%)
🌿 Mocha


Colors used

Labels Hex RGB HSL
Pink #f5c2e7 rgb(245, 194, 231) hsl(316, 72%, 86%)
Mauve #cba6f7 rgb(203, 166, 247) hsl(267, 84%, 81%)
Red #f38ba8 rgb(243, 139, 168) hsl(343, 81%, 75%)
Peach #fab387 rgb(250, 179, 135) hsl(23, 92%, 75%)
Yellow #f9e2af rgb(249, 226, 175) hsl(41, 86%, 83%)
Green #a6e3a1 rgb(166, 227, 161) hsl(115, 54%, 76%)
Teal #94e2d5 rgb(148, 226, 213) hsl(170, 57%, 73%)
Text #cdd6f4 rgb(205, 214, 244) hsl(226, 64%, 88%)
Surface2 #585b70 rgb(88, 91, 112) hsl(233, 12%, 39%)
Surface0 #313244 rgb(49, 50, 68) hsl(237, 16%, 23%)
Base #1e1e2e rgb(30, 30, 46) hsl(240, 21%, 15%)

  • Copy the file of your chosen flavour from flavours over to www/assets/...
  • Copy romb.png to www/assets/images/romb.png.
  • Put these lines into www/assets/config.yml and save the file:
  - 'assets/catppuccin-macchiato.css'

For the header logo you can choose either from dark_circle.png for use in the frappe, macchiato and mocha themes. Or if you prefer a light them you can pick the light_circle.png for the latte theme. All that you need to do is edit this line in your config.yml

logo: '<location of img>' # example: assets/logo/dark_circle.png


I have also included a .zip file of required Favicons for light or dark themes. These are located in /favicons. Unzip this file and place the extracted contents into www/assets/icons

Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org