
Warm transfer implementation with Sinatra and Twilio

Primary LanguageRuby

Warm Transfer: Transfer support calls from one agent to another using Ruby and Sinatra

Build Status

Local development

This project is built using the Sinatra web framework.

  1. First clone this repository and cd into it.

    $ git clone git@github.com:TwilioDevEd/warm-transfer-sinatra.git
    $ cd warm-transfer-sinatra
  2. Install the dependencies.

    $ bundle
  3. Copy the sample configuration file and edit it to match your configuration.

$ cp .env.example .env

You can find your TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN in your Twilio Account Settings. You will also need a TWILIO_NUMBER, which you may find here.

Run source .env to export the environment variables

  1. Create development and test databases

    Make sure you have installed PostgreSQL. If on a Mac, I recommend Postgres.app.

    $ createdb warm_transfer_sinatra
    $ createdb warm_transfer_sinatra_test
  2. Make sure the tests succeed.

    $ bundle exec rspec
  3. Run the server.

    $ bundle exec rackup
  4. Expose your application to the wider internet using ngrok. This step is important because the application won't work as expected if you run it through localhost.

$ ngrok http 9292

Once ngrok is running, open up your browser and go to your ngrok URL. It will look something like this: http://9a159ccf.ngrok.io

You can read this blog post for more details on how to use ngrok.

  1. Configure Twilio to call your webhooks

You will also need to configure Twilio to call your application when calls are received on your TWILIO_NUMBER. The voice URL should look something like this:


Configure Voice

That's it!

How to Demo

  1. Navigate to https://<ngrok_subdomain>.ngrok.io in two different browser tabs or windows.


    • Remember to use your SSL enabled ngrok URL https. Failing to do this won't allow you to receive incoming calls.

    • The application has been tested with Chrome and Firefox. Safari is not supported at the moment.

  2. In one window/tab click Connect as Agent 1 and in the other one click Connect as Agent 2. Now both agents are waiting for an incoming call.

  3. Dial your Twilio Number to start a call with Agent 1. Your TWILIO_NUMBER environment variable was set when configuring the application to run.

  4. When Agent 1 answers the call from the client, he/she can dial Agent 2 in by clicking on the Dial agent 2 in button.

  5. Once Agent 2 answers the call all three participants will have joined the same call. After that Agent 1 can drop the call and leave both the client and Agent 2 having a pleasant talk.


  • No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is. Diggity.
  • MIT License
  • Lovingly crafted by Twilio Developer Education.