
Node HTTP(S)/WS(S)/Socket.io drivers for CycleJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Cycle Net

Driver and router component for manage HTT(P)/WS(S)/socket.io services with Cycle.js

Installation with NPM

npm i cycle-net --save



Create the driver


Basic usage

const {run} = require('@cycle/run');
const { makeNetDriver, httpServer } = require('cycle-net');

function main(sources){

  const {httpServer} = sources;

  const sinks = {

  return sinks;

const drivers = {
  httpServer: makeNetDriver(httpServer())


Create a HTTP Server Instance

To create a server instance, we need to send a config stream to the httpServer output. Like this :

    const httpCreate$ = xs.of({
        id: 'http',
        action: 'create',
            port: 1983

    const sinks = {
       httpServer: httpCreate$

create action config:

Basic example with HTTPS

     const securedConfig = {
        key: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/certs/key.pem`),
        cert: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/certs/cert.pem`)

    const httpsCreate$ = xs.of({
        id: 'https',
        action: 'create',
            port: 1984
        secured: true,

Close server instance

To close a server instance we need to send a config stream to the httpServer output.

    const httpClose$ = xs.of({
        action: 'close',
        id: 'http',

    const sinks = {
       httpServer: httpClose$

create action config:

  • id : the instance reference name. Needed to select the server stream on input.
  • action:'close' : the action name

Select a server stream with select(id)

Select the server width this specific id

Return Object

   const http = httpServer.select('http');

Get events with event(name)

Get event with name stream from a httpobject.

   const http = httpServer.select('http');
   const httpReady$ = http.events('ready');
   const httpRequest$ = http.events('request');

Return Stream

Event ready

Dispatched when the server is ready to listen.

Returned values :

  • event : 'ready'
  • instanceId : The instance id
  • instance : the original Node.js server object

Event request

Dispatched when the server received a request. See Request object above.

Request object


  • event : 'request',
  • instanceId : The instance id
  • original : original NodeJS request object,
  • url : request's url,
  • method : request's method (POST,GET,PUT, etc...),
  • headers : request's headers,
  • body : the body request. undefinedby default. See BodyParser middleware
  • response : the response object




Format response for driver output.

  • content : the body response
  • options :
  • statusCode : default 200
  • headers : default null
  • statusMessage : default null

Return formatted object for driver output


Format response in json. See send()


Format response in plain text. See send()


Format response in html. See send()


Format response with the render engine defined in makeHttpServerDriver() options.


Format response redirection for driver output.

  • path : path to redirect
  • options :
  • statusCode : default 302
  • headers : default null
  • statusMessage : default null

Return formatted object for driver output

Basic Usage

const {run} = require('@cycle/run');
const { makeNetDriver, httpServer } = require('cycle-net');

function main(sources){

  const {httpServer} = sources;

  // get http source
  const http = httpServer.select('http');
  // get requests
  const serverRequest$ = http.events('request');

  // create the http server
  const httpCreate$ = xs.of({
    id: 'http',
    action: 'create',
        port: 1983

  // response formated with a helper response object
  // Response in text format : 'covfefe'
  const response$ = serverRequest$.map( req => req.response.text('covfefe') );

  const sinks = {
    httpServer: xs.merge(httpCreate$,response$)
  return sinks;

const drivers = {
    httpServer: makeNetDriver(httpServer())



A Router component using switch-path



  • sources : Cycle.js sources object with a specific source request$, a stream of http(s) requests.
  • routes : a collection of routes. See switch-path

Return stream


    const { makeNetDriver, httpServer, httpRouter } = require('cycle-net');

    function main(sources) {
        const { httpServer } = sources;

        // get http source
        const http = httpServer.select('http');

        // create the http server
        const httpCreate$ = xs.of({
            id: 'http',
            action: 'create',
                port: 1983

        // get requests
        const httpsServerRequest$ = https.events('request');

        const httpsRouter$ = httpRouter({ ...sources, request$: httpsServerRequest$ }, {
            '/': sources => Page({ ...sources, props$: xs.of({ desc: 'home' }) }),
            '/user/:id': id => sources => Page(Object.assign({}, sources, { props$: xs.of({ desc: `user/${id}` }) })),

        const sinks = {
            httpServer: xs.merge(httpCreate$, router$.map(c => c.httpServer).flatten()),
        return sinks;

     function Page(sources) {
        const { request$, props$ = xs.of({ appPath: null }) } = sources;
        const sinks = {
            httpResponse:  xs.combine(props$, request$).map(([props, req]) => req.response.text(props.desc))
        return sinks;

Cooking with middlewares

Here are discribed two usefull express middlewares.

It is used to serve static files ( images, css, etc... )

Basic usage

const serveStatic = require('serve-static');
const { makeNetDriver, httpServer } = require('cycle-net');

const drivers = {
  httpServer: makeNetDriver(httpServer({middlewares:[serveStatic('./public')]})

It is used to parse request body and return a full formated body.

Basic usage

const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const { makeNetDriver, httpServer } = require('cycle-net');

const drivers = {
  httpServer: makeNetDriver(httpServer({
      middlewares: [
          // two parsers used to format body POST request in json
          bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }),

Using Snabbdom

Snabbdom is the Virtual DOM using by @cycle/dom. It's possible to use it in server side with snabbdom-to-html.

A small helper to use snabbdom with cycle-node-http-server

  const snabbdomInit = require('snabbdom-to-html/init');
  const snabbdomModules = require('snabbdom-to-html/modules');
  const { makeNetDriver, httpServer } = require('cycle-net');

  export default function vdom(modules=[
      return snabbdomInit(modules);

  const drivers = {
    httpServer: makeNetDriver(httpServer({
        render: vdom()

In main function, snabbdom used with JSX

  const response$ = request$.map( req => req.response.render(

More examples

at https://github.com/mrpierrot/cycle-net/tree/master/test

Socket.io examples

at https://github.com/mrpierrot/cycle-net/blob/master/test/io.spec.js

Websocket examples

at https://github.com/mrpierrot/cycle-net/blob/master/test/ws.spec.js
