
Home Assistant Sensor Component that tracks electricity cost based on the OTE wholesale price

Primary LanguagePython

OTE Energy Cost Sensor for Home Assistant

This is an integration providing current price per megawatt of energy based on the quote from ote-cr.cz


Copy this folder to <config_dir>/custom_components/ote_rate/.

If you're using HACS - feel free to add https://github.com/grinco/ote_rate as custom repository.

Once you've installed the custom integration, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

  platform: ote_rate

Calculating price in the local currency

If you have an exchange rate sensor - you can calculate the value in local currency using template sensor:

  platform: template
        friendly_name: "Current Electricity Price"
        value_template: >-
          {% set CURRENT_PRICE = states("sensor.current_ote_energy_cost") | float(0) %}
          {% set EUR_CZK = states("sensor.exchange_rate") | float(0) %}
          {{- (CURRENT_PRICE * EUR_CZK / 1000) | round(3) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: "CZK/kWh"